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  XCntry Skiing May 2023


Welcome, and Thank You for ‘checking us out’!


Mountain Laurel Skiers (MTL) is a very active, year round ski, sport and social club based in central Connecticut. Established in 1946, the goals of our founding members were to have fun and make skiing affordable. We dedicate ourselves to living up to those goals. For instance...

  • We are proud to offer our members affordable accommodations at our CLUB OWNED LODGE in Ludlow, Vermont located at the base of Okemo Mountain.
  • Through our club’s membership in the Connecticut Ski Council (CSC) we offer members DISCOUNTED RATES at many of New England’s ski areas and for the competitive minded, we offer NASTAR SKI RACING competitions and winter group activities as a major source of fellowship and fun with MTL members during the winter months.     
  • YEAR ROUND FUN: MTL is much more than just a ski club.A variety of other organized sports are available throughout the year such as cross country skiing, snowshoeing, biking, hiking, kayaking, golfing, domestic and international ski trips and seasonal social gatherings both in Connecticut and in Vermont.     
  • MEETINGS are held for club business and special programs at least twice monthly. We also stay in touch through a monthly NEWSLETTER, and an online WEEKLY UPDATES emailed to members about upcoming activities.
If you are in search of an active group that likes (and knows how) to have a good time, you will find our members to be welcoming, friendly and fun loving. So come on in, explore our website to learn much more, and JOIN us if you would like to get the most out of life while enjoying the great outdoors!     

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Wednesday night meetings are held at:
Back Nine at Stanley Golf Course
245 Hartford Rd.
New Britain, CT 06053

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